Seniors in Maynard

A Growing Population

The seniors of Maynard are a growing group. About 30% of residents are 55 or older.  Ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs understood is as important as for any other group in town

                               Maynard Senior Center       Council on Aging              UMASS Boston 

The Council on Aging is charged with   providing local outreach, social and health services, advocacy, information and referral for older adults, their families and caregivers.  We need to ensure that home care services are available to enable those who want (and can) to live independently as long as possible.  Housing, nutrition, screening and counseling are all essential for supporting quality of life for senior residents.  

$35,000 sounds like a lot for a survey, the amount currently circulated as the cost of a community needs assessment of Maynard seniors by the Gerontology Institute of UMASS Boston. Read HERE to learn more about it, and you will quickly realize why the amount is probably reasonable. The bigger challenge will be to take what is learned from the survey and put it to good use.

While a survey will hopefully prove valuable, movement to provide seniors with improved  community facilities remains a priority. There is much talk in some circles about the need for a new senior center - or at least an improved arrangement.  They moved into the back rooms of the Maynard Golf Club 'temporarily' almost ten years ago.  While this arrangement has been helpful, there is a multitude of reasons why it is still far from being an adequate location, not least because many of our seniors have difficulty accessing the facility.