About Me

I announce my candidacy for the one-year seat of the Select Board of Maynard. The people of Maynard deserve a real choice about those who manage the affairs of the town. I will bring a commitment to support the the Master Plan, and the Community Development Principles. I will collaborate with others and seek meaningful resolution to the differences of opinion that inevitably exist between groups and individuals across the town.  I will work hard to build my expertise on the many different issues, recognizing that, while we may lack the deep financial resources we would prefer, we can boast a great abundance of human expertise which, if channeled well, can be used to great effect for the future of Maynard.

The Long Read:  If you are interested in the longer narrative about why I am running.

Career Path

Present - Resident of Maynard and candidate for the Select Board of Maynard

2014-2022. Assistant Principal at Fuller Middle School in Framingham. Now retired.

1991-2001. CAGS in Educational Leadership from Fitchburg State College.

1994 - 2014 Teacher of Design and Engineering at Fowler Middle School and Maynard High School. 

1991 - 1994. Teacher of Design and Engineering in Hazel Park Public Schools, Michigan

1989 - 1991  Studying for Education Masters program at Eastern Michigan  University

1988.   Development Education Coordinator for Tools for Self Reliance, London, UK.

1986 - 1988. Teacher of Introductory Technology at Government Secondary School in Suleja, Nigeria.

1979 - 1986. Apprenticeship and bachelors degree in mechanical engineering then full employment as a materials development engineer for British Aerospace, Weybridge, UK.

Additional Activities