Role of the Select Board

What Can the Select Board Do?

It is tempting to think of the Select Board as a place from which to attempt a very specific agenda - to reduce debt, to improve education or to advocate for a senior center.  While some of this may be possible, the big difference between the Select Board and, say a mayor's office or a commercial executive board is that there are five members of equal standing who will likely have differences over policy decisions.  

Additionally, Town Government is not exactly renowned for it's lightening speed of operation.  Like it or not, the democratic process can be arduous as it wrestles with the problems of the day and those yet to come. 

For those not familiar with the town charter, here is a brief overview.

Section 3.2 of the Maynard Town Charter 

There shall be a select board consisting of five (5) members elected for terms of three (3) years each, so arranged that the terms of as nearly equal number of members as is possible shall expire each year. 

b) Powers and Duties - The executive powers of the Town of Maynard shall be vested in the select board which shall be deemed to be the chief executive office of the town. 

Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize any member of the select board, or a majority of such board, to become involved in the day-to-day administration of any town agency. It is the intention of this provision that the select board shall act through the adoption of policy guidelines which are to be implemented by officers and employees appointed by or under its authority. 
