Mike Stevens for Maynard

Select Board Member for the Town of Maynard


Thursday, June 22nd:   

My term on the Select Board officially begins on July 1st - the first meeting after that is July 5th. With so much to learn, the challenge feels both daunting and yet welcome.

Since the election, I have been to many of the committees that meet on a regular basis, met staff at Town Hall, and with other residents of the town.  There is a great variety of stories to be told.

There is no escaping the challenges that Maynard, and many other towns in the Commonwealth face - determining what kid of economic future we want f 

Tuesday, May 2nd 10:00 pm:   The results are in - according to a post from the town administrator, I received 891 votes out of 1060 cast - an affirming win for what I hope is a voice of reason. Thank you to all who contributed to this win.

Tuesday, May 2nd:   ELECTION DAY!!  Thank you to everybody who  has voted already.  The polls are still open for another 7 hours or so for those who haven't.  It's not too late to take a few moments to contact others who may have forgotten that today is the day to actually vote.

I think the wild, back and forth weather today reflects how a lot of us feel about the world around us.  On the ironically bright side, we could use the rain!!

Sunday,  April 30th:   Rainy today - likely to be rainy for a few days or so.  Sometimes it takes a bit of extra effort to feel more upbeat on a rainy day. If you are reading this, and believe I could be an effective member of the Select Board as compared with my opponent, then please vote for me. 



MAY 2nd

The absence of a truly local newspaper is on the minds of many around town. Perhaps this speaks to our relationships with print vs electronic media. However, there is likely a significant proportion of the town population that knows little, if anything, about decisions being made around the Green Meadow Elementary School that could cost the town over 50 mill.  It never ceases to amaze me that in some respects, communication is just as difficult as it ever has been. 

Wednesday,  April 26th:   Many will be aware that the Select Board Candidates forum was held on Tuesday afternoon (4/25) and broadcast by WAVM. Unfortunately, it appears that technical problems mean that a recording of the event is not available - unless there is anybody out there who happened to DVR the event.

While it is of course difficult to convey the differences between myself and Ms. McNamara, my opponent, I can at least share the text of my opening and closing statements.  The two combine to make a 3 minute read.  Read More..

Saturday,  April 8th: The Maynard Anti-Racism Alliance (MARA) provided candidates for office with two important questions.  You can find my responses here. 


Saturday, April 1st: Welcome to the first day of April. First of all, no fooling, thank you to all who have posted lawn signs. I ran out of the first batch which illustrates the challenge of minimizing potential waste, attempted fiscal responsibility and actual demand. I have more on order which should be available by the middle of next week.

A month of engaging with far more people than I usually do in Maynard has been hugely interesting, informative and rewarding. If I was generally aware of many issues about town before, I am now much further along the path to a more comprehensive understanding and appreciation for what so many people are trying to accomplish for Maynard.  See more...


Monday, March 27th:  Lawn signs are now available.  To get your signs, do reach out to me at mikestevensfour@gmail.com or through the Facebook PageI am happy to deliver.

Sunday, March 26th:  For a few days now, on considering the responsibilities of a candidate for Select Board, I have wrestled with the need for open dialogue and discussion versus the contemporary pitfalls of dialogue via social media.  I trend towards more minimal exchanges through social media.  I absolutely welcome opportunities (schedule permitting of course) to meet with any individual or group to share our observations and opinions on the government of Maynard. It has been very educational for me in recent weeks to meet with many across the town and I look forwards to many more of these conversations to help shape my understanding of the town and its people.  Please reach out to me if I have not already reached out to you.


Saturday, March 18th: Attended the Maynard Community Fair this morning at the library - a great reminder of just how many people invest their time and energy in support of their shared interests for educating the people of Maynard.  Thank you to everybody who worked to make this happen, not least of course the library itself. What a treasure we have right there!!


Friday, March 10th:I announce my candidacy for the one-year seat of the Select Board of Maynard. The people of Maynard deserve a real choice about those who manage the affairs of the town. I will bring a commitment to support the the Master Plan, and the Community Development Principles. I will collaborate with others and seek meaningful resolution to the differences of opinion that inevitably exist between groups and individuals across the town.  I will work hard to build my expertise on the many different issues, recognizing that, while we may lack the deep financial resources we would prefer, we can boast a great abundance of human expertise which, if channeled well, can be used to great effect for the future of Maynard.