Candidate Forum Statements

Statements Presented at the Select Board Candidate Forum

WAVM Studio  April 25th, 2023

Opening Statement

Hello.  First, my thanks to the Sudbury League of Women Voters and the Assabet Valley Chamber of Commerce for organizing this event, and to WAVM for hosting.  

Maynard has always presented as being a friendly place to live. My wife Nan and I joke that when we are out walking and a car stops to let us cross the road, we will comment, “oh - they must be from Maynard.” Friendliness and respect are essential qualities of who we are as a town.    

I am running for the Maynard Select Board because I am ready to join the collaborative effort required to make it successful, and still friendly.  Over 120 residents are members of the various committees and boards, many of whom are experts in their fields.  Many more also give their time to the community outside of government  - as care providers, drivers, organizers, planters, and more. It is their collective efforts that allow Maynard to flourish by working through the many challenges posed each day.  


Among these challenges, the toughest of course is balancing our budget, both now and in the future while still providing access to the services we all desire. Expenses are plentiful, and rising.  To balance these, Maynard must generate more revenue. We can only do this through careful strategic planning behind a well communicated sense of direction for the town. 

The general direction for pursuing social and economic development has been well established through the  Community Development Principles and the Master Plan. To these, I would contribute my skills and values of being well-informed, patient, tolerant, and committed to ideals of social and environmental justice. A healthy community connects diverse people and resources to help them build a strong future.  I look forward to this opportunity to contribute to this effort.


Closing Statement

Back in the Digital days, when the Blue Coyote was Amory’s Pub, there was a poster on the wall near the entrance showing Lake Geneva, with its majestic mountains, the great fountain rising high and a slogan  that read, “It’s not bad, but it ain’t Maynard”.  I imagine similar posters for Venice and the Grand Canyon. We can take a lot of pride in our town

Maynard thrives due to the combined efforts of many residents, mostly volunteers, who commit their time and expertise to everything from financial planning, to ensuring that the flower baskets in the downtown streets are flourishing. 

My intent, if elected, is to join this collaborative venture as a member of the Select Board. I will advocate for fiscally and environmentally responsible policies and a culture that welcomes and celebrates inclusivity and equity. It is very much a group effort and I look forward to joining the team. Thank you.